Deep Vein Thrombosis

Herbal Treatments for Deep Vein Thrombosis

Our product helps in a varicose vein, blood clot, thickening of blood due to any reason.

It dissolves blood clots formed due to prolonged sitting or immobility. It is also cardiac protective, sperm protective and rejuvenating vital organs of the body. It is also effective in/as Paralysis, cardiac Asthma, Thyroid, Anti-ageing agent. It is a kind of master medicine developed considering a complete human system. 

Regular consumption of this herbal product by an adult started at any age with proper guidelines and instructions will keep a person fit and healthy and younger.


Aswagandha, Arjun-Chhal, Avala, Giloy, Gokhru, Kachanar Chhal, Harde, Chotti Pipal, Haldi, Van Tulsi, Sudha Shilajit, Ajwain.


In a normal human body, blood circulating veins and arteries get developed fully by the age of 24. As the age increases up to 40 years, the blood started to become thick and as a result of it, the density of blood increases, so the blood can’t circulate properly, and some vacuum produces in the veins. 

Over the period of time, air enters inside these empty places in the veins, which are called ‘Vat-Rakta’ means the air in the blood. 

So one thing is that the blood of an older person is thick & the blood of a young person is thin. So we can conclude that if the blood thickening process is very slow then it can increase the life span by reducing the risks involved due to incline in age. 

Regular consumption of our products helps in slowing down the blood thickening due to incline in age thus helping in keeping the complete body system younger than actual.

Our medicine is having properties to dissolve blood clots, so any blockages formed due to blood clots majorly in the heart region can be removed gradually by using it on a regular basis as prescribed. Continue use of it will act as a protective shield as well. That is why we have given the name ‘Cardiac Protective’ to this medicine as it manages blood thickness. 

It may also be useful in migraine. 

The extra advantage of this medicine is that it helps reduce/control body fat. It can act as a booster to Gout & Joint Pain herbal medicines and its usage along with those medicines may give more effective results.

For persons working in a sitting position for a long time gets swelling of muscles in legs, shows blood veins network, pain, uneasiness, fear, physical & mental tiredness for all such symptoms, and to decrease the body fat this medicine is highly effective.

It is also effective on the genital organs of both males & females. For a male, it increases sperm count, vigour & vitality. 

It helps in dissolving all the blood clots developed in the body due to any which ways. 

It gives relief from pain produced due to gout & swelling of muscles. It helps in reducing constipation due to sitting for a long time.

It is also useful for migraines. It is tonic for the heart. It tones the heart & removes all the clots that form in the arteries & veins of the heart. It is a boon for all heart patients. 

It also controls the exhaustion due to thickness. This medicine gives excellent results for patients with Thyroid diseases. 

It also helps in Neuropathy (occurred in diabetic patients). This medicine also helps in balancing the proportion of blood. 

It also helps in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol also. 


As per prescription.

Note:the person who does not get breathlessness in the winter season or dusty atmosphere but gets breathlessness while climbing stairs or walking for a long distance are suffering from cardiac Asthma. For that, use our Dr Thanki’s Asthma Power along with this medicine.

Active Ingredients in Dr Thanki’s DVT Protector add on Vitalizer

  • Withania Somnifera
  • Terminalia Arjuna
  • Emblica Officinale
  • Tinospora Cordifolia
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Bauhinia Variegata
  • Terminalia Chebula
  • Piper Longum
  • Curcuma Longa
  • Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni
  • Asphaltum
  • Tachyspermum Ammi

The main goals of treatment with Thanki’s DVT Protector ADD ON VITALIZER for deep vein thrombosis are:

  • To prevent the blood clot from becoming larger.
  • To prevent the blood clot from travelling to the lungs (pulmonary embolism).
  • To prevent post-thrombotic syndrome, a condition that can cause pain, swelling, and sores of the affected leg.
  • To avoid the recurrence of blood clots.
  • Increasing the sperm count in the males helps their infertility.
  • To get relief from mental and physical fatigue.

Disclaimer:- The result may vary from person to person.

From The Desk Of Chairman

One thought always striking to me that what is the reason being a person dies at a certain age which we called as “Old age” despite having no disease but still dies. What are the reasons behind it? What changes occur gradually in our body which leads to dysfunction of vital organs finally turning it into death?

As a result of researches, it has been found that an average human being started to get older at the age between 40-45 as the metabolism of the body starts reducing. As a result, blood starts thickening in a very slow process which creates a vacuum in the veins and also leads to hormonal disbalance. We then found changes like greying on hair, wrinkles, weakness in muscles, decalcification, joint pains etc.

To prevent this, the thickness of blood should be managed by slowing it down as much as possible so that incline ageing should not affect our that much to our Body-system(Internal Organs). Dr Thanki’s DVT Protector Add On Vitalizer can maintain our blood thickness and helps in keeping it as thin as it is required to be. Of course, a person’s lifestyle and fooding habits are very much key factors to maintain it. In this present era where the majority of people especially those who are in urban living are having such a hasty and busy schedule that there is no proper time left for them to take care of their bodies internally. People are spending a lot to maintain outer looks but for the inner system, the attention goes when any problem arises.

We have often heard that “Prevention is better than Cure”. But very few of us are following this very factual statement. If we follow this wisely in considering our health, we can increase our life span easily from a natural death at least. Our herbal product can be taken not only to take care of the ailments but also can be used as a prevention to safeguard our vital organs, removing impurities and toxins from the blood and lowering down the thickening process of the blood. It will not only protect your inner health but also give you a feel of being healthy and fresh always. 

We request the reader of this product to suggest it to everyone whom he thinks is really in need of such product or should try at least to feel the difference.